Saturday, July 7, 2007


I am calm...I am ready...I can write a script!Wait...I said it right, right? Can I ACTUALLY write a script? I don't know. See for yourself.Around the end of the year, I guess.

You see, I am DIRECTOR/SCRIPTwriter(notice how I capitalize CERTAIN words) for some sort of class play. Title of drama-Of Bunga Telur and Bally Shoes! Yes, we're gonna do an adaptation of the short story all of us learn in Form 1 during English(Oh, the horror of wondering what it all means).Seriously, WHO decided to create all these poop anyways? Just a buttload of poop.

I just finished writing the script and I think I feel pretty proud of myself, I mean considering I have never written anything in my life.Nice to know.Nice to know. What can people write about on their blogs?I never know what to write. Maybe because all the good 'uns have been taken away I guess.I don't know.Gah! Feels very frustrating to not know what you're actually writing about. Right now, I don't know what I'm typing about. Just little random particles floating mindlessly in my head and nothing else...

The nice thing about being director is I can say what I've always wanted to say..."And...action!".The oh-so cliched desires by many.Oh well, I guess I have nothing to0 do know so I'm gonna sign off. Peter Jackson, there's gonna be a rising director in The Land of Hollywood!!

I wonder if these chairs are as comfy as they look.Gotta ask Ms. Sathya if I can get one of those chairs.

And...Cut,people! That's a wrap!